Programming Projects.
The application page can be found at it's home page. You can see the features of the application on the above page, The application uses Adobe AIR and soem HTMl/JS components.
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This application helps you track your rank on different search engines(Google,Yahoo,Bing) and Youtube. The application page can be found at it's home page. The application
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Grid Calculator application
The application page can be found at it's home page. You can see the features of the application on the above page, The application uses Adobe AIR and it also integrates with the serial activation server for serial activating and demo validation.
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Image watermarking software
Picture Magic is an advanced and powerful image watermarking software, capable of offering state-of-the-art watermarkprotection to all your images, photos and graphics in just a few easy steps!
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Internet Explorer cleaner application
It checks the Internet Explorer browsers for unwanted addons. Has a large database of known addonsand software signatures.
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Screen capture + integration
Take screenshots and imediatly share them using services.After taking a screen capture the image is mediatly uploaded and the share link is pasted into the clipboard. Optionaly you can upload any file to the account. In this dialog you set your account details.. This application is used by the company behind
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Screen capture (CSharp version)
A CSharp application that scptures the screenand can save the image.. IT was supossed to be part of a larger suite of utillities applications for Windows but that project was never finished.
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This application is used for creating thumbnails for all the images inside a folder at once, you inut all the options press a button and all the thumbnails will be created for you,
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Get Video -video downloader software
This is an application for downloading video from youtube, metacafee, googlevideo and save them on your pPC . The software is easy to use, you just specify the URL and chose a video format to convert your videos into(the default format is AVI and in most cases you do not need to think about video formats). This application was not updated to fix problems caused by video sites changing the structure.
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Password Keeper
This is a password manager, it stores and encrypts your password using a master key. If the master key is lost passwords stored are also lost forever.

Generate image of webpages
This application is used to grab a screenshot of a list of webpages. The inut is a .csv file with the links to the pages, you can select the output directory, set a maximum image height,even have same page besaved in different image heights and you can select the image format.
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Educational software
Playing is an important activity for children and for young children is the main activity. I have a 5 years old son(at this moment 2011) and i started writing small educational software for him.
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Train station manager
This application simulates and manages a train staation.It uses thechnologyes like animation, and speach(TTS).
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KissViewer -a basic image viewer
This project implements a basic image viewer. I created it because of frustration , my default image viewer had a bug and vieweing pictures and rotating them and saving them iafter rotation tooked a lot of clicks or key presses.
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Generalized life game
This is a generalized version of the classic Game of Life , you can specify the rule of life and death. See more details on Game of life on Wikipedia
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Clustering with genetic algorithms
This application implements the k-means algorithm, a genetic algorithm for data clustering and two hbrid algorithms (genetic+k-means) for clustering data. The program is asocieted to my disertation paper named, Data clustering using evolutionary algorithms
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Hide a message in an image
This C# application hides a message inside an image and noone can suspect that in fact the image contains a secret image inside it.
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Other projects
Cryptography applied in chat applicationRandom number generator using cellular automaton, dice simulation
A simulation of a projectila moving in the gravitational field
Queuing networks simulation aplication
Game theory - bankruptcy problem
AI with Neural Network for playing Tic Tac Toe